Media Tectonics Career Conversations with Barry Eisler

March 17, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

Barry Eisler is a novelist, former CIA operative, and recovering lawyer. Here he speaks with Doug Jackson and Cindy Mullins of Media Tectonics, high above the Tokyo skyline in the 49th floor executive suite of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. His sharp-edged, realistic novels about an enigmatic and conflicted assassin named John Rain have won the Barry Award and the Gumshoe Award for Best Thriller of the Year and appear in nearly twenty languages. In 2009 Sony Pictures turned Barry’s first book, Rain Fall, into a movie starring Gary Oldman. His seventh and newest novel, Fault Line, launches a new subgenre—the blogosphere thriller. Barry earned a black belt at the Kodokan International Judo Center in Tokyo, and lives alternately in Japan and the Bay Area.

Barry Eisler Interview Part 1

About Cindy Mullins
Cindy Mullins has loved books and languages ever since her mom began dropping her off on Saturdays for “Story Hour” at the Carnegie-built library of the small southern U.S. town she grew up in. She came to Tokyo in 1985 to study Japanese, taught English for a time on Shikoku Island, and still calls Japan home. A respected member of Japan’s publishing industry for over two decades, Cindy has done everything from producing and running magazines and journals to acquiring titles for major publishers like Charles E. Tuttle and John Wiley & Sons and shepherding them into print.

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